The Supreme Court of India will hear a plea on Tuesday, June 21, 2023, challenging the Agnipath scheme, a new recruitment policy for the Indian Armed Forces. The plea has been filed by a group of lawyers who argue that the scheme is “unconstitutional” and “discriminatory.”
The Agnipath scheme was announced by the government on June 14, 2022. Under the scheme, young men and women between the ages of 17 and 21 will be recruited into the armed forces for a four-year period. After four years, only 25% of the recruits will be retained, while the rest will be released with a lump sum payment and other benefits.
The scheme has been met with widespread protests from young people, who argue that it is unfair and will not provide them with a secure future. The government has defended the scheme, saying that it is necessary to “modernize” the armed forces and make them more “youthful.”
The Supreme Court hearing on the Agnipath scheme is likely to be closely watched by the government and the public. The court’s decision could have a significant impact on the future of the scheme.
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In addition to the Agnipath scheme, other major political issues in India include:
- Terrorism: India is facing a growing threat from terrorism, both from domestic and foreign groups.
- Naxalism: Naxalism is a Maoist insurgency that has been active in India for decades.
- Religious violence: India has a long history of religious violence, and this remains a major problem in the country.
- Caste-related violence: Caste-based discrimination is still a major problem in India, and this often leads to violence.
These are just some of the major political issues facing India today. The country is facing a number of challenges, but it is also a vibrant democracy with a strong tradition of resolving its problems through peaceful means.